Monday, June 3, 2013

Those parts of you that don't make sense....

I posted yesterday a new book called "You are a BadAss" that I recently started reading that encompasses everything I believe we all feel and want our lives to be. Do you remember the age when you started questioning the beliefs that you were always taught from a young age and all of a sudden thought "wait, that just doesn't make sense to me anymore"? Or the time when you were telling someone your views on a subject and they asked the dreaded "why do you think that?" and the only answer you had for them was "oh it was just how I was raised" instead of being able to actually give your own thoughts on the subject matter? 

Just for now, why not be open to the possibility of anything? The possibility that maybe your whole life you were given views and beliefs that don't fit you or your lifestyle anymore. The possibility that just because you were raised poor doesn't mean that YOU are poor and can't be a multimillionaire. The possibility that you have never played in front of thousands of people or been asked to be the next American Idol, but that doesn't mean someone will not discover your incredible talents today, tomorrow or next month!

We all have daily thoughts that kind of define or mold us into the person we are on a daily basis that are probably outdated for the person we truly would like to be, but the problem is they are so engrained that we have no idea we are carrying around these old views anymore.  

Moment of truth, since I was a kid I carried around the thought and told myself and even told others that I am a tomboy because when I was younger I didn't like poofy lacy dresses, I was good at sports, and would rather play outside then be doing arts and crafts. I had a hard time accepting the fact that girls were allowed to be good at sports and participate in active things while still being girly and pretty. I would use this tomboy term to describe myself so it directed my behavior, my likes and dislikes, my associations with certain people, etc not even realizing it. I would go shopping with friends and feel awkward (literally awkward) putting on super girly outfits or dresses because I thought I looked funny in anything feminine. (Some of my friends laugh at me when I say I am a tomboy because in reality, I am not). However, it took some serious personal reflection to figure out this tomboy complex I had. It resulted in me always dating men who were insecure in their masculinity and a series of other issues because I held onto this belief that screwed up my selections. If you know me today, I am actually quite girly and the exact opposite of tomboy. I love pedicures, baking, wine tastings, decorating, reading, writing, makeup, dressing up for a night out, painting....I just happen to also love working out and giving people brutal workouts and am actually pretty great at it! (by the way I bought a dress yesterday and have decided to completely trash the tomboy thoughts because it just didn't suit me anymore).
Yea some how I believed I was a tom boy at this age, it sounds funny when you see a picture...but think about how many thoughts you have that no longer fit you!? Did you use to be a fat kid and now you always think you're fat even though you look awesome?

Anyways, all this to ask you- what thoughts are you caring around that don't fit you anymore? Maybe you went through tough financial times that have passed, but you still identify yourself as someone who just gets by or lives paycheck to paycheck so every action you have is simply limiting your financial situation. Or maybe you would love to get married and find your soul mate, but you have it so buried in your subconscious that love and falling in love leads to pain and suffering so therefore you keep dating morons and guess what you also stay single. Most people live their lives based entirely on someone else's beliefs for them whether it be a parents, a grandparent, a pastor, spouse, whoever...and we wonder why so many people are so unhappy!

Today I challenge you to write out 5 thoughts you carry around EVERY DAY that do not really fit you anymore, then write out 5 new ones and start telling yourself those awesome new thoughts that actually fall in line with what you believe and what YOU want out of life!  I will be doing this challenge with you :)

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