Thursday, June 27, 2013

Are you eating the right Macro's?

"I am eating low calories and I dropped a ton of weight, but now I've hit a wall! I follow a fat free diet and yet all I have is fat on me! All I eat is protein and veggies and I don't understand why I'm not losing weight when I eat so perfectly! "

I cannot tell you how many consultations I do that have individuals who are frustrated because they are eating low-carb, fat-free, low sugar, all veggies, vegan, high protein no fat, all shakes and one whole meal, b-12, appetite suppressants, you name it! They lose the weight up front and then just hit that brick wall and it stops moving! Your weight stops coming off because we all have a different genetic makeup that requires different macro nutrients and if you are not giving your body the right sources of each for YOUR body makeup then you will plateau and you will stop seeing results.

What are macro's!? I knew that was going to be your question...macro's are the different nutrients in your daily nutrition that your body uses to fuel and sustain you. Google's definition would be "A type of food required in large amounts in the human diet." Simple terms means it is food that YOUR BODY NEEDS more than others and in different quantities. Your best friend who is skinny as a pole is not going to need the same protein/carb/fat breakdown as you. That's why the diets you have been trying are not working because there's no "one size fits all diet" out there that is perfect. There are guidelines and meal plans, but in order to see the results you aren't seeing you need to breakdown your macro's.

I create meal plans all day long for people who are shocked when I tell them they're sugar and sodium are too high, increase your protein, eat more good fats, and add a few calories to your diet because 900-1,000 isn't going to work! Everyone thinks dramatically cutting your calories and eating bites of a few different things throughout the day is the answer. Well here's the question, when you do that do you feel happy throughout the day or frustrated and tired? Do you feel satisfied or do you feel like you are starving? Do you feel fueled to get through your workout or do you have to take every pre-workout and caffeine drink out there to get through just 20 minutes? Food is your friend and is meant to help you, not hurt you. Treat your body like an enemy only giving it barely enough carbs to get by and your body will become your enemy by making you fatigued and lethargic hating life.

This is why I offer online training for so many people because a lot of people have a basic knowledge of working out. They know what a squat, lunge, bicep curl, shoulder press and all that is and they can do it on their own on a regular basis. However, most people have NO IDEA how to eat for their body or how to structure a workout plan to follow and end up just doing the same thing over and over and over every week wondering why in the world their body isn't changing....your body isn't changing because you haven't changed anything about what you do! That's the cold hard truth. Do the same lifting routine 3 days a week for 6 months and your body will give you the same results. Eat the same macro's every day for 6 months and your body will keep you looking the same for those 6 months. It really is that simple.

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. We understand that in certain aspects in our life so why do we not get that when it comes to health and fitness. Now, the positive side of that is this...keep changing your workouts and your body will keep changing to adapt! Keep eating the right macro nutrients and your body will keep producing lean muscle and energy for you! Keep focusing on your goal and you will keep moving toward your goal!

I want to help people stop the vicious cycle of starting/stopping diets and being frustrated with their body which is why I got into this field. If you need help figuring out your macro's and workout plans then PLEASE lets help you get over your slump and send me an e-mail to get you going!!!  EMAIL ASHLEY HERE or leave a comment with this post and I will respond asap.

Look, I struggled with figuring my eating out probably up until I was about 20/21 years old and I finally was introduced by a mentor to macro's and the right training plan for my body and now it's  habit that my body greatly appreciates it and I'm sure yours will too!

P.s. here is a sneak peak from my photo shoot...I haven't gotten the photo's edited yet so they might need a few adjustments, but I promised to share with you guys! 

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