Friday, August 30, 2013

6 Non-Ab Exercises for 6 Pack Abs!

You have probably heard that abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Right? Have you also heard that crunches, ab machines, and sit-ups are NOT the best exercises to do if you are trying to get a tight, flat, stomach?! I see people every day spending 20-30 minutes on stretch mats and ab machines doing countless sit-ups, crunches and all kinds of new crazy ab exercises thinking it will results in that awesome sleek stomach and so bad I want to walk over, shake them and say “What are you doing!!? Quit wasting your time!”....

6 Best Non-Ab Exercises for ABS HERE

Fun Fit FRIDAY!!!

It’s the end of the week and you are just ready for the weekend, BUT you still gotta get through today. There’s Friday night shenanigans, happy hours, whatever you do to celebrate the end of your work week try adding some fun into your Friday workout too! Besides, working out is supposed to be FUN not another chore or thing to add to your to-do list! Here are some ways you can incorporate a little more fun into your workout today:
Read the lists HERE

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Your weight issue is in your head!

200366808-001I did my daily inspirational/motivational reading this morning from an author named Mike Dooley and I loved what he wrote in a few paragraphs that I couldn’t help, but share this with you guys because it is everything I try to promote in health and fitness! I tend to dabble in different areas between nutrition, workouts, business and life and try to encourage balance and doing what is best for YOU in everything and loving yourself unconditionally through whatever journey you are on because you will hit challenges and some major and minor bumps along the way. I hear on a daily basis all kinds of wants and desires from clients and friends of everything they would change with their body, their significant other, their finances, their friends, and their life essentially.  Do any of these ring a bell with you?
  • I have tried every diet out there, just looking at a pizza makes me gain 5lbs!
  • Well my parents are big and since I was a kid I have been over weight it’s just in my genetics and no matter what I try it doesn’t work
  • My body just hates me when I try to start a new health program and I end up getting sick and I’m cranky all the time
  • I have a slow metabolism so it’s hard for me to lose weight
  • I don’t eat much throughout the day because I am just not hungry so I skip breakfast and just eat more for lunch/dinner
  • I don’t have time to workout
  • I don’t know what I’m doing so I just don’t go to the gym or try a new workout program
  • My husband/wife keeps such bad food in the house so how am I supposed to lose weight when they won’t listen and get rid of all the ice cream, pop tarts, cake, and cookies!?
  • I’m sorry, but I just am not giving up alcohol. I NEED my wine and happy hour on weekends you have no idea what my week is like so if that’s what it takes to lose weight then forget it!
  • I am just big boned-I can’t help it so I’ll always be big! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What to do with Cravings? Strength training? Results? Life? Q & A Wednesday!

Q & A Wednesday! Eating, Lifting, and Life!

I got lots of questions last week which always makes me excited so this week here’s what we will talk about:
How long does it take to start seeing results from my new health and fitness regimen?
What do I do with my sweet tooth cravings?!
How can I start seeing results with my strength training routine when I have been lifting weights for a while now?
What do you do when you have been stabbed in the back and life throws you a curve ball?
Well I am sooooo glad you asked because these are all things every person experiences so let’s talk about them!….

Watch the VIDEO HERE! 

It's ok Ife Life still doesn't make sense!!

I remember being 12 years old thinking that all of life happened the moment you turned 16 and you got to go to the dmv to get your license and now had the freedom to drive yourself and your friends all over town. Life would be perfect and you were officially an adult at 16. Then I remember being 16 thinking that I really had no idea what I was going to do after high school, BUT I knew that once I graduated high school (if I could just make it through those harddddd years of school) then all of life would make sense as soon as I got into college and everything would so much easier. Then I about had an anxiety attack on my first day of college because I have never seen so many students in one place, so many different rooms, different buildings for each room, not knowing anyone, not understanding what the heck a scantron was and how to use it but that’s what I would be tested on, or trying to remember where I parked my car! So then I thought, I can’t wait to be 21 I’ll can go order a drink somewhere, college will almost be done and I can just start working and living the easy life!! Well we all know how that goes finding your first job out of college…it’s almost a repeat of your first day of college (assuming it’s easy you even find a job because you have no experience). So then it continues, Ok I have this figured out it’s 25 when everyone gets all their crap figured out and life is simple and there’s no more huge milestones and I’ll have it all figured out. Right?

Keep reading HERE 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The Non-Cardio Fat Burn Workout!

I’ll be honest, I am not a cardio fan. I get bored and would rather be challenged then to do steady state cardio for 45 minutes. PLUS doing HIIT after an intense lifting session continues to burn fat for hours after your workout is done where steady start cardio only burns calories while you are actually doing the cardio. Only time I do steady state cardio is if I need to lean down a little bit and need extra calorie expenditure (there’s only so many HIIT sessions you can do in a day!)
So after an incredibly awesome arm and shoulder workout the other day down at Power House Gym downtown, the last thing I wanted to do was sit on the treadmill for almost an hour so Amy and I decided to head into the Gauntlet (my favorite thing ever) and do some HIIT instead. This workout was created literally on the spot trying to think of something super intense, total body and hard as crap!

Check out the workout HERE! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

DO you ever have a fear of looking stupid!??

You really want to try out a new workout program, a new meal plan, a new gym, a new city or even a new business but you are so worried about looking like an idiot or messing up right? What will your friends think and your family think or better yet that incredibly good looking guy/girl in the gym if you totally drop the weights or screw up? Fear is an interesting thing and it's amazing how much of life we fear....
Keep reading HERE

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Fat Burning Hormone....not testosterone!

Ever seen that commercial with the husband and wife both trying to lose weight and they both quit drinking soda so the husband drops 10lbs and the wife only loses 1? Or have you ever wondered why some people just naturally seem to be able to build lean muscle mass while others are sucking down every protein shake, egg white, and pre-workout booster just trying to put on a pound of muscle then they end up putting on fat!? Well not only are we all made up differently, BUT some people's fat hormones are out of balance.....

Continue reading and finding out about your fat burning hormone HERE!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Q & A Wednesday! Switch up YOUR PUSHUPS!

WOOO HOO I love Q & A Wednesday because I get to hear from you guys and answer your questions! Soooo this past week I got asked for ways to modify the plain ole’ pushup because one of my subscribers is getting bored in their workout with just regular pushups. No Problemo!!! There are so many different ways to modify a pushup to make it more challenging and in this particular video I show you a few that you can do AT HOME!

Watch the Video HERE!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The BEST Arm Circuit!

I get email after email from men and women asking how can I burn out my arms and get them tighter or how can I push past a plateau of not getting sore anymore. Girls always want more definition in their arms while guys always want more size in their arms. So I created an intense arm workout that both GUYS AND LADIES can do that will give you both what you want just adjust the weight according to your fitness level and I guarantee you your arms will be feeling amazing!

For the full workout description head HERE! 

Monday, August 19, 2013


The benefits of owning your own business and being an entrepreneur are endless. I mean who wouldn’t want to set your own hours, be your own boss, take time off when needed, choose how much or how little work you wanted, set your income, create your own benefits, and virtually work from anywhere? No one telling you what to do or telling you how long you get to eat lunch. If you are having a crappy day or feeling sick you don’t have to explain that to anyone or answer to anyone telling them you can’t make it in. AND if you decide you want to take a vacation every month you can do it without worrying about running out of vacation time or someone else taking up the days you want off. Sounds amazing right!? Who wouldn’t want that kind of life!.....

Finish reading with me HERE.......

Friday, August 16, 2013

300 Workout Outdoors!

Check out the workout to try for yourself HERE.....intense fat burning strength circuit with NO GYM!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

#TBT Workout!

With all the new fitness fads, new equipment, new trainers and new weight loss fixes coming out and feels like we are constantly onto something new and better with how to get to where we want faster. Well any time you get caught up in thinking a new piece of equipment or a new pill is going to get you there faster then cold hard clean eating and workouts...think again! While fads come and go...the body doesn't change! So's time to go old school for Throw Back Thursday! And by old school I simply mean down to the basics with lifting. No crazy apparatus needed, no special equipment, just the basics of lifting that you get results. So for today, here is a Simple #TBT Shoulder Lifting Work Out! Check it out HERE

P.s. if you like the workout, then join my mailing list so we can stay connected! Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Q & A Wednesday! What to do when you hit plateaus?!

This week I have received multiple questions about what to do with plateau's in fitness, weight loss, business and head on over to HERE to find out the answers! Enjoy and Happy Q & A Wednesday! Send me your questions so I can answer yours on the next Q & A Video! :)
Q&A Wednesday Video

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Post Workout Circuit- Push Yourself

What do you do when you need an extra push and you just don't feel like working out! You do it anyways and  WATCH THIS VIDEO!! Try out the circuit AT THE END of your workout for extra fat loss!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Fat Loss Body Weight Circuit.....OUTDOORS

No equipment, no gym, just your body weight and the wonderful outdoors to really work up a sweat and start burning some fat with this total body FAT LOSS Circuit. Head on over to to check out the video and to join the mailing list for all the new videos, workouts and updates!

If you enjoy this workout and video share with a friend! :) Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 8, 2013


SO last time I gave you guys some moves to tighten your core and flatten your belly, but what if you don't have a gym OR you don't like doing abs at the gym. Well, I thought of that too so I created this video for you to show you an awesome ab workout to do at home!
Head On Over to ASHLEY DRUMMONDS and check it out! Let me know how ya did and if you enjoy the video then subscribe to my channel and sign up for my email list so we can stay connected!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Q & A Wednesday!!

It's that time it's Q & A Wednesday Video yayyy!!! Head on over to and get the answers to this week's health and fitness questions!! I will be posting regularly on my new site so sign up for the email list (on the right hand side) and I will send this to you regularly! :) Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ab Circuit Video!

I recently got a request for a good core workout that hits each area of the abs so I created this very short video to give you 4 exercises to perform back to back to hit the upper abs, obliques and that lower ab pooch that is so hard to target! 

While I'm at it, I have some awesome news so business is growing and expanding and I am having a whole new site made that will have all the videos, blogs, workouts, nutrition, business coaching, recipes, etc!!! I am in the process of having all of the content and everything transferred over, but I want to continue to connect with you! So head on over to my new site and add your name to the newsletter so you can keep getting these new videos and blog posts from me! I'll just send them to you as soon as they come out :) I will not be posting on this blog any longer so if you like what I've been throwin out there then sign up at and I will keep em' coming! :)

 Here is your ab circuit and my new site! >>>AB CIRCUIT VIDEO