Friday, May 31, 2013

Simple Health, Happiness, and Success...3 things with Simple Solutions

I had a meeting with a web designer yesterday morning who made it very clear to me how people love simple and easy information with life, emails, directions, workouts, etc and I couldn't agree more. Most of us know exactly what we want and the results we are looking for...we just simply want someone to tell us exactly the quickest way to get to it, right?

So having said that, three areas of life we all want and simple solutions to each. We all want health and to live as long as possible with as little illnesses as possible. So how do we get that? Eat foods in their most natural form, exercise often, and get outside! Nature is one amazing way to realize how small we are compared to the world as a whole, but also to get a great workout in! So here it is exercise at least 3x a week for 30-45 minutes that includes a combination of strength training and cardio. Eat at least 3 meals a day, that include lean protein/complex carbs/ and veggies. Stay away from sugar, excess alcohol, and get your zzzzz's! If you need a specific meal plan or workout created for you then I want to help you! So e-mail or comment and let me know.

Next, Happiness. You just want to be happy! We all do! We want to be happy with ourselves, with our relationships, our job, and our finances. Well good news is that you are in control of your happiness and nothing or no one else. If you want to be happy then look to yourself first and listen to your thoughts. Happy people do not have perfect lives without any trials or obstacles...they have just learned the secret is to stop basing their joy and happiness on external circumstances or other people. Spend more time around people who you want to become like. As the saying goes, we are most like the 5 people we spend our time with on a regular basis. So look at the top 5 people in your life and ask yourself if they live a life you want to reflect as your own? If not, it's time to make some changes.

Last one, success. Who doesn't want to be successful!? First step to be successful is defining what success means TO YOU. Not your parents, friends, or society, but what for you would bring you the biggest feeling of success? Success could be just graduating college and pursuing your dreams. Success could be having two kids and being a great role model for them. Success could be living life without regrets and enjoying the present moment. It could be making 1 million dollars in a certain time frame. We all want different things in life so find out what success means for you and write it out! Look at it EVERY DAY! Having your goals and your desires in plain sight on a daily basis plays a huge influence on your subconscious and your mind automatically starts acting in a way to help you get to your goals! Our minds are already created to help us fulfill our purpose in life we just have to get in line with our goals-passions-thoughts-and then just believe that it is all possible. The good news is you are allowed to change your definition of success whenever it feels it changes in your life!

So there you have it-how to have health, happiness and success. "Be realistic. As for a miracle. Then believe it will happen." Happy Friday! 

P.s. if you liked this post, then let me know! If you want to hear about something specific or have always wanted a question about health, fitness and nutrition answered then just ask :)

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