Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Take Your Workout Outdoors!

Sometimes for a mental and emotional break you just need to get out of the office, out of the gym and outside in the sunshine!!! ABS Wellness is about your physical, mental and spiritual life so hit all 3 by pushing your physical limits, getting some sun, and clearing your head! How can you really be in a bad mood when you're doing all these things?

I won't lie and tell you this workout is easy, but I will say that when you finish it you will have worked up a great sweat, got a little tan, and feel less stressed! Go release some endorphins and the best part is you can get it done in 30 minutes! 

If you like the workout then check out some of the others on the blog, share with a friend or subscribe to stay up to date with the free nutrition and fit tips!

Here it is:

Squat Jumps
Military (Diamond) Push-Ups
Running In Place (knees to chest)
Split Jumps
Frog Jumps
Elbows to Hands
Suicides or Sprint (length of a basketball court)

Perform 60 seconds of each exercise or 20 repetitions if you do not have a stop watch ending each round in the sprint/suicides. Rest for 1:00 after each round.  Repeat 5 times...yes that's right 5 times!  Go push yourself, work hard and be proud that you are doing something positive and healthy for YOU and nobody else!

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