Wednesday, May 22, 2013

You Are Free To Pursue Your Dreams!

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -Earl Nightingale

 I can honestly say there have been plenty of times where I have turned down opportunities or chosen not to pursue a certain goal just because of the time I knew it would take to reach those goals. When I first started college, I originally wanted to pursue a degree in Physical Therapy helping people gain strength and movement back from injuries and other limitations. However, as I began pursuing the education requirements and realized the program had turned into a PhD program I quickly changed my mind because I knew I didn't want to go to school for that long! Looking back, I would already be finished with that PhD or nearingThink about how many times you haven't done something or said no to an opportunity because of how long you thought it would take. 
completion and headed to a career in Physical Therapy.

I do not regret not going to school nor do I live life looking back saying "I wish I would have gone through the program" because I truly believe everything in life happens for a reason to direct you towards your ultimate purpose. Right now, I absolutely love the field that I am in and I love being an entrepreneur. The sky is the limit with what I choose to pursue and through it all I am finding new passions and dreams that still allow me to help people.

Time will inevitably pass, but it seems it passes faster as we go through life. Ultimately, time is really something we have created to keep track of our days and plays no role in pursuing our goals. What are your dreams? What are your goals? Have you convinced yourself it is too late or you are too old to still pursue those dreams? If so, why? 

We hear stories all the time of people going back to school in their middle age or starting their dream business after kids are grown so why does their have to be a set age or a set time frame that you are allowed to follow your passions and go after what you want in life?

If you still have something in your heart that you have been putting off or convince yourself you are not capable of doing you need to stop and ask yourself why you are not capable of doing that and are those excuses you have told yourself out of fear that you might not reach your dream or simply out of being lazy and not wanting to try. 

I have a dream to help people with their fitness, nutrition and health, and I also have a dream to help people pursue their own goals! I am on the road to mine and it is a daily adventure...are you on the road to yours?

Sometimes the best, first step to pursuing your goals and becoming more confident about them is just to get it out there and tell someone. By doing this it is almost like you are verbally letting life and everyone in it know your passions and then opening the door of opportunity for people helping you pursue them. On the contrary, if you never tell anyone and never take the courage to even let it out there then how does anyone know or how do you know there isn't someone in your daily life who would be perfect to help you with them? We are all here to help each other and we all have something to offer. Don't let your own fears and your own thoughts about yourself hold you back from living the life you want! 

 Here is the way I see it, if you had the chance to create a movie about your life and you were living in the city you wanted, you had your dream career, you traveled to all the places you wanted, you had the friends you always wanted, and you were helping people with your unique skills and abilities would you take it? How is that not exactly what life is right now? Nobody is saying you can't do all those things and more, but you. Maybe we just need to find the kid inside us who felt free to "be whatever they wanted to be when they grow up" and start living life again!

The funny thing is when we start doing the things that come natural to us we feel more fulfilled in life and the right people and things naturally start showing up in our life. It's almost like God smiles at us and says "Finally! Keep doing what I created you to do with your unique skills and abilities and the right doors will open". That doesn't necessarily mean the road to our dreams is easy and full of puppies and ice cream, BUT it does mean you can trust that God has you taken care of and even if you make a few wrong will be directed right back to where you are supposed to be so don't worry about it!

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