Saturday, May 18, 2013

When You Have No Idea What You Are Doing With Life...

Do you ever get to that point where you once felt like a confident independent person and you now find yourself wondering why you can't even figure out where to go to dinner without questioning what the right place to go is?Or you just feel like your life is one big mess? 

 I could be completely on my own on this one, but I definitely feel this way sometimes...I take that back I feel that way pretty often. I am goal oriented and I pursue my dreams to talk to all of you guys and teach people about real health and fitness, but I am learning just like you are learning every day how to do things.

I consider myself very much a take charge type person and I pride myself in taking the lead in my life, but recently I have found myself making decisions while feeling like I have no idea what I am doing! For example, I am writing my first e-book and getting all kinds of tips and advice from my business coach and mastermind group, yet when it comes to start the book all I can think is "I have no idea what I am doing, I have never written a book but here it goes". I promise once it's finished you guys will be the first to preview it and let me know what you think! I had a conversation with a good friend recently which put ease to my mind when through talking with her and several other people I realized none of us have any idea what we are doing. We have goals, we have ambitions and passions, but ultimately we are all learning as we go. Some days or weeks, life feels 100% together and you feel like you have finally figured it out. Then other weeks it feels like life is a mess and the only thing we can be sure of is the fact that things always change.

The funny thing about life is the people who usually seem to have it all "figured out" are usually the ones who are even more confused and lost then we are! Part of Authentic Beauty and Strength is learning to go through life realizing that most of our frustrations come from wanting and needing things to be different then they are in this moment when the reality is that things are going exactly as they are supposed to! Once we surrender and let go of we think are screw ups and just accept that this is life and we are learning every day then we aren't so devastated or pressured to make such "life altering" decisions like what job to take, where to go to school, where to live, who to marry, etc because we know that we will always be directed to where we are supposed to be. This is the WHOLE idea behind ABS Wellness. Personal stories of people from all over who are all in this life just wanting to be their best, pursue their dreams and passions, and make the most of their health and fitness!  One of the best things I read was in a book by one of my favorite authors, Wayne Dyer, who basically stated that once we realize what our purpose is and we stop looking to everyone and everything else to tell us who we are we stop needing certainty in everything in life and by not needing to always "know" we open the door to so many opportunities and adventures. The more things we are open to the more we allow ourselves to grow. The same is true in any relationship or friendship-the more space you allow, the more room you make for growth. 

A lesson I learned recently for myself was to always be true to who I am and always love myself in everything I experience. Even if I am experiencing conflict, setbacks, or disappointments to still love myself just as much as if everything were going perfect because the reality is that everything is going PERFECT! For so long I allowed the love I received from others determine how much I loved myself so if people loved me because I looked a certain way or acted a certain way then I loved and accepted myself when I acted those ways. What I ended up realizing was that when I did that I was happy while I was around those people because they sent me love and acceptance, but the second I spent time by myself I felt lost and confused at who I really wanted to be because I stopped looking to myself for happiness. Of course we all have different faiths and things we believe in so ultimately if you were raised in a Christian home you are taught to be made whole through God and a relationship with Him or maybe you were raised to look to Buddha or any other being to gain that through. Regardless of what it is your approach to yourself, to others should always be love. However, in order to love and accept others unconditionally you must first love and accept yourself unconditionally. If you never resemble a fitness model, if you never accomplish that one goal, if you stay the same exact person you are today it doesn't matter. You don't want other people loving and caring for you based on where you are in life so don't do it to yourself. Love who you are and life will seem much less complicated. Life then becomes more of an adventure of you writing a story then a stressful place where we all try to fit the mold of what others have set before us. So go live your life exactly the WAY you love and want it to be. At the end of the day, you are the only person responsible for your happiness and your dreams! 

Happy Living! Dream big :)

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