Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to get a Fat Burning Workout in Just a Few Minutes!

I just finished my sessions with my morning weight loss clients (whose workouts usually take no more than 30 minutes) and realized that my clients are seeing faster results with these short workouts just 3x a week than most of the individuals I see in the gym who are spending 1-2 hours in there every day!

Seeing how frustrated these gym members are with not losing weight from spending so much time on the cardio equipment and just guessing on which exercise to do next and from my own desire to want to tell everyone to STOP spending hours on useless exercises....here is your answer:

To get FAST weight loss results you have to participate in FAST & EFFECTIVE workouts not long slow workouts. So the goal here is to work hard and work fast to burn the most amount of calories in the least amount of time. If you are a beginner, than keep the weight light or don't use any weight the first couple times through and just focus on body weight.  I will call this workout the Butt Kicker!

The goal is to do each exercise back to back with no rest in between. Complete 1 set of an exercise (20 reps except burpies) before moving on to the next. Once you have gone through the sequence of exercises, rest for 1:00 then get moving again for a total of 5 rounds. Yes, that's right....5 rounds! :) Use a weight that YOU are able to complete all 20 reps of without stopping. The amounts I included in this workout are simply suggestions and would work for an intermediate to advanced fitness level, but make sure to go by what weight is best for you!

Here we go!

Deep Squats- 30lbs for 20 reps
Push-Ups- Body Weight for 20 reps
Split Jumps- 20lbs for 20 reps
Bench Dips- Body Weight for 20 Reps
Burpies- Body Weight for 10 reps
Russian Twists- 20lbs for 20 reps
Leg Lifts- Body Weight for 20 Reps

This workout should take under 30 minutes (keep rest time at a minimum)! However, you are guaranteed to burn fat in a fast & effective workout! I promise you will not get bored! :) As always, DO YOUR BEST! If you are just starting out and can only do 3 rounds, 2 rounds or even 1 round then I am proud of you! Fitness is about doing YOUR personal best...no one else! So give it a go.

For a customized workout program to a new you in 12 weeks let us know and we will create one for you! Check out some of our packages at www.abswellness.com

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