Monday, May 20, 2013

Health & Fitness isn't all about exercise and nutrition....

When I started pursuing a career in personal training, it wasn't because I wanted to get in awesome shape or because I wanted to help every client look like a fitness model. Shoot, I didn't even start my own exercise regimen for those reasons. I did it because I got tired of feeling down on myself and seeing everyone else feeling down on themselves.

SO I started from scratch by researching different articles and workouts (like this one you're reading) and found people who had creative, fun workouts tha tpushed me. I also looked for people who had a sense of confidence and happiness that I wanted to also have towards myself.

And so the journey began...I started working out 2-3x per week then started fixing my nutrition. Of course I immediately started feeling stronger and more confident, but I had only part of the formula to happiness.

What was it I was missing other then just working out and eating right? The problem was, I had changed my exercise and nutrition, but my mental and spiritual health was still in an old pattern of identifying myself with a negative self-image. My thoughts were still thoughts of defeat, fear, scarcity, doubt and a mediocre lifestyle. My spiritual life was pretty non-existent spending so much of my time in the gym and reading about workouts and new trends while spending zero time nourishing the things that give me inner strength and peace.

I am not talking about a spiritual life as going to church every time the doors open, reading your Bible every single day or following certain religious codes. For me, my spiritual life is just spending time in my passions, things that inspire me, writing, just being in nature and taking in life trusting that God is in complete control of everything and the peace that comes from that.

When your life and your thoughts are focused on your goals, passions, your good qualities, and how creative and amazing you are-your health and fitness will be so much more rewarding because you will understand the purpose of why you are working out and eating healthy. Not to just look a certain way or follow a certain trend, but because ultimately we all want to feel better about who we are inside and out! 

Someone once told me that fitness and nutrition is one thing in your life you actually have control over. I would also add your thoughts to that statement. Think about that-you have no control over the economy, your spouse, your friends, traffic, the weather, natural disasters, life and death, but you do have complete control over the foods you eat, how much you exercise, and how you think of yourself....NOBODY ELSE! 

What inspires you?
What motivates you?
What gives you that sense of peace from the inside?
What makes you feel like you are in your element and things just start to happen naturally? 

Spend more time doing those things! Right now, I am focusing on what each person individually needs that is missing for them in the health and fitness field. If you have a second please take this survey to tell me more about what you need and I will work on helping you the best I can!

The first step to a healthy and whole life starts from the inside....not on the outside! I talk about this a lot towards women in my ebook (coming soon). We are all each responsible for our own one else. So when you are struggling to stick to your exercise and nutrition, take a look at what's going on in your mental and spiritual life...start there first! Happy Monday! :) 

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