Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Stop Waiting!...or get the "Dammit Doll"

I got to meet up with a good friend for coffee last night.... and we caught up on our lives over the past few months and the different events that had taken place and we began to talk about relationships. Relationships with friends, family, significant others, co-workers you name it and through it I realized how many of us live in such stagnant places of life waiting for someone else to take action.
For days when life isn't going exactly as you want and you just need to deal with whatever is going should get one of these. I hope you guys can read it. If not, Here is what this doll says "Whenever things don't go so well, And you want to hit the wall and yell, Here's a little dammit doll, that you can't do without. Just grasp it firmly by the legs, and Find a Place to Smash it. And as you whack the stuffing out, yell 'Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!'" It made me laugh because we have all had those days!

We wait for Mr/Mrs Right to come along so we "can start a life together...", we wait for our boss to notice all of our hard work so we can feel like we bring some value to the workplace and maybe we will get a raise or promotion, we wait for a significant other to notice the house is clean or the thoughtful gift/action we did so they will then show us extra affection or appreciation in return, we wait for our big break or a finished project to take that vacation or to relax....we wait,we wait, we wait! Then we end up being so frustrated because life isn't the way we want it to be...well no crap it's not it's because we keep expecting everyone else to live it for us!

In talking to this good friend last night, she mentioned different jobs she is pursuing and plans she is making for her life without basing them around this current significant other or waiting on him to build her life and it was so refreshing to hear! Think about how many times you have said "I can't wait to get my own place, I can't wait to have a house, I can't wait to get married, I can't wait to be financially free, I can't wait to quit this job, I can't wait to travel," well STOP WAITING and START LIVING!

I completely understand excitement and the anticipation of something great coming along because I do it too. I am taking a dream trip to Europe in September and trust me I have already said "I can't wait to go!" The problem is though we get so caught up in all these future events that it's as if the months or days leading up to them don't even matter and we just want those to go away instead of realizing we have ALL THIS TIME to still live life and make it amazing up until that amazing event! I was reading a book recently that gave an analogy of hell as "wanting to be somewhere other than where you are and trying to run from your own self". I actually agree with this analogy of being in the presence of friends, family, love and not enjoying the moment you are with them because you are too focused on wanting to be somewhere else or a different task that love is right in front of your face and you are trying to escape it. Some of us want to be loved and have love in our lives so desperately that we search everywhere other than where we are for it. God is everywhere and we can not escape God just like we can't escape ourselves. If you are frustrated in your mind and telling yourself all these self destructive thoughts so you think you need a getaway to fix it all...guess what when you finally "get away"  your mind is going to follow you there and you will still have the same person when you get back. 

When you find yourself frustrated and wanting things to be different or wanting it to be 5 o'clock instead of only a few hours into the work day, try to bring yourself back to NOW realizing that right now You are exactly where you are supposed to be doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. Stop waiting for time to pass to get to something else or something better and just enjoy where you are right now knowing God's got you taken care of and you are on the right're still alive obviously if you're reading this so you must be doing something right! Relax and just enjoy now!

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