Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Post Memorial Day Workout!

There is nothing like a Memorial Day weekend with great family, friends, weather, and LOTS of AMAZINGGGG food, drinks, and parties! I spent the weekend relaxing, eating lots of delicious things, and taking a break from work and workouts because we all need to sometimes!

However, there is nothing better to kick start your week and get rid of all that excess sugar, carbs, alcohol etc that you packed on this weekend then a crazy fat burning workout!

I will warn you, I did this workout earlier this morning and it definitely had me dripping with sweat, grunting (I am not a grunter), and doing a lot of self-talk to get myself through it so when you try this don't think I just flew right this without needing a single break. **If you are a beginner, cut this workout in half and start slow!!!! Worst way to start a new workout regimen is by going in too hard and burning yourself out to where you are so exhausted and sore that you don't workout again for another two weeks. Modify this to your fitness level. 

We Shall Call this the 700 Workout! Why 700? Because it is 700 reps! Yep that's right 700, holy moly I know, but I wanted something to kick start the week and burn through all the junk I ate this weekend! Trust me even if you cut this in half, a 350 workout will still kick your butt! So here is what I did, adjust the weight according to WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!

100 Burpies
100 High Knees On Bench (Each Leg)
100 Squats (On Squat Rack at 95lbs)
100 Side Steps on Each Band
100 Isolated Lunge (Each Leg 50lb Barbell)
100 Wood Chop On Cable (30lbs)
100 Frog Jumps

Best way to do this is to go in rounds so for example do 20 Burpies, 20 high knees, 20 squats, 20 Side Steps, 20 Lunges, 20 Wood Chops and 20 Frog Jumps....then start over again 5x through. Or If you are a beast and can some how knock out all 100 in sequential order then go ahead and do it! Follow the entire workout as fast as you can, take a break when you need a break.

Trust me after round 4 I had to turn up my ipod, do some serious self talk, chug some water and get right back into it. You can DO IT! You just have to believe you can do it and modify the reps/weight to what works for you!

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