Friday, September 6, 2013


Put on your big girl/boy undies and JUST DO IT!

The other day I posted something that said “I am the average of the people I spend the most time with. Others around myself determine how I think, how I act, and ultimately how successful I will be.”  I am sure we have all heard this before that you become like those you surround yourself with, but none of us want to truly believe that right? Your best friend from childhood or college who is still in the exact same spot in their life that they were 5 years ago can’t possibly have anything to do with why you have been stagnant in moving forward in your life and your career, right? Your friend (s) who always insist on going out Friday and Saturday night having a few too many drinks eating a few too many calories that you “accidentally” indulged in can’t have anything to do with why you aren’t reaching your health and fitness goals because they are your friends and you make your own choices and you aren’t influenced by those around you, right?

You can keep reading at Ashley Drummonds Here.....

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