Wednesday, July 17, 2013

VIDEO Fat Burning HIIT Under 20 Minutes!

So I gave you all a pretty intense cardio workout without actually touching the cardio equipment and a lot of you gave great feedback as far as how much it kicked your butt and you were more burnt out in that time then you were doing 45-60 minutes of cardio. Which is AWESOME! That's how it should be!! You do not need to do hours of cardio and you actually burn more calories and fat by training this way then putting in miles and miles on the treadmill (unless you enjoy that kind of thing, but I personally am not a cardio person). If you want to burn fat, strengthen your core, push yourself harder in 20 minutes then you have in a while and see results FAST then this is how you want to train! 

AND This time instead of posting pictures, I actually did this whole circuit for you the other day and recorded it so you can see exactly how to perform each exercises :) Except I didn't realize that youtube has a time limit on how long your video can be so I had to cut it off after the first round because your video isn't allowed to be longer then 5 minute or something along those lines. However, you can see exactly how to perform each exercise and what 1 full round entails.

Here is the workout:

You will complete this circuit for a total of 5 rounds with a 20/10 format a.k.a. Tabata method so perform the exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10 then start the next exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10, etc. You will not rest until all 5 rounds of the circuit are completed other then the 10 seconds in between. This circuit should take under 20 minutes! **I apologize in the video you will see me checking my watch because the HIIT timer on my phone wasn't working so I had to guestimate when 20 seconds was up, but you'll get an idea of the circuit. Here we go!

Star Leg Lift (Alternating)
Jump Rope with High Knees
Sumo Squat to Upright Row or SDHP 40lbs
Dumbbell Kb Swing 35lbs
Lunge Jumps


Perform each exercise for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Again repeat all 5 rounds before stopping and you will be breathing heavy!! Time to burn fat, time to get going!! Here is your video to show you exactly how to do it! I will be posting videos regularly to help you guys get a better idea and because I have had a lot of requests.

ALSO- I get a TON of emails of people asking all kinds of health and fitness related questions and I want to connect with you all personally so ANY QUESTION YOU HAVE ADD A COMMENT TO THIS POST AND THE FIRST 5 QUESTIONS I GET I WILL PERSONALLY ANSWER IN VIDEO FOR YOU WITHIN 24 HOURS!!! LETS HERE YOUR QUESTIONS!

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