Thursday, July 18, 2013

Alcohol and Fitness...To Drink or Not to Drink?

The funny thing about nutrition and the struggle a lot of people come to me with has nothing to do with being able to follow a meal plan. We can all do that to a certain extent. It's that one question that people don't want the answer to... "Can I still drink on my meal plan? I love wine can I still have wine? I like to go out and have drinks with my friends on I have to cut that out too!!?? Or can I at least have that if I'm eating clean?"

This question always makes me laugh a little on the inside because I too love good red wine and enjoy sharing wine with friends. So lets start with the physical reactions that go through your body when you consume alcohol first and then I'll answer that question for you like I answer for my clients.

When you consume alcohol your body is doing a whole lot more then usual to metabolize the extra calories. Your body actually makes it a priority to metabolize the alcohol over burning fat and carbs. Alcohol also breaks down amino acids and stores them as fat. Surprisingly, while most people drink to held "unwind" or reduce stress, it actually increases levels of cortisol (a stress hormone), which further encourages fat storage, particularly in your midsection.

"In a study of 93 men and women, researchers found that alcohol decreased sleep duration and increased wakefulness (particularly in the second half of the night), especially in women, whose sleep time was decreased by more than 30 minutes over the night. 'Disrupting the sleep cycle can reduce your human growth hormone output—which builds muscle—by as much as 70 percent,'" says Piattoly of Women's Health magazine.

Then there's the whole recovery time and not having as much energy to make it through your workout the next day, etc.I could counter all of this with all of the healthy benefits and antioxidants that wine gives your body as well! There's always pro's and con's to everything.

To answer this popular question from the emails I get along with my inquisitive clients, I will go back to what every post I make it about...balance. I believe everything in life can be enjoyed in moderation. No, you do not have to completely cut wine, beer or alcohol out of your life in order to have a fit body. However, I will say that consuming alcohol just like anything else in excessive amounts will lead to weight gain simply because of the added calories. There have been multiple studies and nutritionists out there who suggest have a glass of red wine every night with dinner to help the metabolizing process. You can have a drink or two every now and then, but try to limit it.

To my online clients, Bikini Body Fat Burn Clients and my contest/photo prep clients I highly recommend not consuming alcohol during your training because you will hold extra water weight, feel bloated, not have the energy to get through your intense workouts the next day, and possibly keep from burning that stored fat that we are working so hard to burn for you!

As with everything in life, listen to your body. If you know you usually feel lethargic and bloated after having wine the night before then I don't suggest doing it. If you are fine after one drink and are able to hit the ground running the next morning then take that into consideration as well. I will give advice based on my own expertise, educate, experience, and knowledge, but just remember that you know your body better than anyone so take all things into account!

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