Monday, July 15, 2013

The No Cardio Equipment Cardio Workout!

Most people I know in the fitness business either hate cardio or they love it, there usually isn't an in between. Majority of us do cardio because we know it's good for us or when we've had a rough day and just need to clear our head. Some days, I just can't stand the thought of getting on another treadmill and watching that time just tick away until my time is up and I know I am not alone on this. So here is a great Cardio Circuit that literally only takes about 20 minutes, but will burn more calories then being on any piece of cardio equipment...and we've got a few strength moves thrown in there! 

First thing, set your watch, gym boss, phone or whatever to a 30/10 pace so you will perform each exercise for 30 seconds and rest for 10 to move on to the next one. This is the Tabata format that has been proven to burn a ton of fat in a short amount of time and trust me you will be breathing heavy through this. You will do 6 rounds total of this circuit with no rest in between rounds since you are getting 10 seconds between each exercise. 

Body Weight Push-Ups
KB or Dumbbell Swings with 30lbs
Step ups or Box Jumps (Depends on your fitness level)
Jump Rope
Dumbbell Clean (You will do one side per circuit then for the next round you will switch to the other side)
Box Jump
Dumbbell Clean
I assume everyone knows how to do a push-up and for the KB swing if you aren't familiar with this one please refer to the previous post with the workout including KB swings/DB swings. The box jump and Dumbbell Clean is sometimes confusing so I included pictures for these.

Perform each exercise back to back WITH ONLY THE 10 Sec REST. This is why it is helpful to set a timer on your phone or watch to beep in those intervals so you aren't trying to pay attention to the time while working out. It hits your cardio aspect, a little bit of strength, plyometrics and core! Try it out and share on FaceBook if you liked it!

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