Monday, July 22, 2013

The One Thing Keeping You From Success and Results! Seriously!

If you're at all like me (which I'm sure you are since you are reading this), you have read every book, done your research, written down your goals, made the commitment, started on your project, started going to the gym and yet you kind of feel like you have no idea what you're doing and aren't really sure if you will actually get to those goals.

When I first started training, I graduated college and received all of my certifications, but when I got my first client and it came down to creating a program for them I had NO IDEA what I was doing. Literally, I just kind of sat there dumb found in front of a computer googling "how to create a client's workouts" or "First personal training client" etc. I knew how to workout for myself and what worked and didn't work, but to tell someone else what to do with their body I was clueless and frustrated. Here I was a certified trainer, with all this education and not sure how to even write a workout praying to God that the client didn't also ask for a custom meal plan or I was headed to the trainer room for an emotional breakdown because I was so confused as to where to start!

Same thing happened when I first got into being an entrepreneur. I went through Business school, graduated at the top of my class, all kinds of academic recognition blah blah blah then when I received my first independent client and had to actually figure out pay, scheduling, advertising, marketing, training, sales, budgets, programs, etc I felt like I learned nothing in those 4 years of business school and just threw numbers and guesstimates out there hoping the client thought I knew what I was talking about. That was back in 2008!

I am sure you have felt the exact same way! Maybe not in business or training, but maybe with workouts, nutrition, or your own line of work. I went through a lot of trial and error periods figuring out how to do everything and I WISH SOMEONE WOULD HAVE SLAPPED ME ACROSS THE FACE and told me THIS ONE THING that I didn't know out of ignorance that has made all the difference in my training and in the success of my business. 

Someone mentioned the idea of a business coach, following another trainer or a mentor and I laughed because my ego in my thought "pscchh I am a Business graduated and I AM a trainer, I don't need either of those!" And stayed in that mindset for a while deciding I would figure it out on my own. Not just that...I was also cheap and am a huge savor and spending more money on something else didn't appeal to me.

WELL long story short, about a year ago I got an email from a motivational newsletter at Early to Rise that is geared towards entrepreneurs and this particular one happened to be about coaching. I usually delete these emails and I actually read this one...and I was blown away to find out that people like Dan Kennedy, Isabel Del Rios, Craig Ballantyne, and numerous other HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL (We are talking multimillionaires) had business coaches and trainers they saw every week! Even individuals in the competitor world who are trainers themselves have trainers and nutritionist they go to! WHY!??

It's simply because in order to be the best at what you do you have to learn from the best. In order for me to be the best business woman I can be, I have to follow and learn from those who have used proven techniques to be successful so I don't have to waste time trying out things that don't work. In order to be the best trainer to my clients, I have to learn from other trainers who have years more of experience then me. We all have different ways of helping each other down the line! 

Well, that's right you guessed it...A year go I hired a business coach and I feel like it has made all the difference. I have seen more business and more growth in the past year then I have trying it on my own. I had a few new trainers come to me recently asking all kinds of questions about gaining clients, going from an employee to an entrepreneur and how to get out of the ridiculous training hours and I have to admit I absolutely LOVE helping new trainers build their business so much faster then I was able to build mine simply because I have learned the hard way and now I know!

What about you!?? Maybe you need a trainer even if you are an expert in fitness to teach you something new. Maybe you need a business coach to see your obstacles from a different standpoint and guide you in the right direction to exceed last year's business PLUS to hold you accountable! Regardless, we are all here to help each other grow and maximize our unique skills. So why not learn from someone who has already been there and done that!?

Don't let your EGO of thinking you already know everything keep you from SUCCESS and RESULTS! 

If you are interested in Business Coaching I am opening my schedule up to allow 5 new clients the opportunity to be personally coached by me on ways to gain more clientele, target your market, maximize your time, work less and make more money, and how to go from an employee to an entrepreneur! I CAN ONLY TAKE ON 5 NEW CLIENTS. My Schedule is incredibly full of young trainers becoming entrepreneurs as well as individuals tired of corporate America and the 9-5 schedule learning how to make money doing what they love! AGAIN FIRST 5 individuals are all I can take- I am allowing you to email me directly for this one at! 

Here's to letting down your ego and letting in SUCCESS! Happy Monday!

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