Friday, July 19, 2013

Being Yourself Leads You To Your Goals

I am all about self-help and motivational books because I think there is nothing more motivating then reading a story about someone who had absolutely nothing...literally lost their family, job, money, healthy, living in their car, etc and then hearing how they turned that into multi-million dollar businesses or to finding the love of their life, being discovered or whatever it may be! They continued to believe in themselves, but also believe that life was bringing them to something greater.

One of my most recent books that I have started to re-read because I have read it so many times and is just incredible is called Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani. Long story short, Anita has a story of battling cancer and then having a near death experience that changed her life and made her realize the truth about life and what we all miss by being caught up in our daily tasks. The main theme of the entire book is Be Yourself Fearlessly, Life Your Life Fearlessly.

First time, I read the book it opened my eyes to so much and yes we all hear things like this and think "Ok, I'm going to go sky diving, going to try out that new job, going to ask that person out that I've been too scared to talk to", while in a sense you are living your life fearlessly with all those things, but it's about being yourself fearlessly. What does that mean? How often do you compare yourself wishing you were someone else? How often do you envy your friends and family members because they just always seem to have such a perfect life and you're stuck in a dead end job, crappy relationship, and barely paying bills? You feel all these things of jealousy, envy, frustration, hopelessness, yet at the same time you feel this sense to do something greater and be something different then you've been because all the other stuff just isn't making you happy. Right?

I'll apply this concept personally and try to explain how being yourself leads to your goals. Five years ago I started this business in health and fitness with hopes of one day being super successful. Well, I started out strong then started to doubt myself, listen to everyone else tell me how personal trainers don't make any money, that I needed to just stick with my Business degree and go find a "safer" job, or whatever and well two years into this I listened. I didn't quit training, but my mindset and lack of confidence in myself made me stop caring about the training because I had already accepted that it wouldn't work. I mean come on, who really gets to make a living doing what they love right? So I took a job managing a gym and I HATED IT. I found myself in my spare time just researching workouts, following other trainers, talking to people about building a personal training business then decided to give it another go! Again, I was talked out of it about half way into even starting it back up and I stopped again and took another job working for a huge wine and spirits distributor Southern Wine and Spirits and just gave up training because everyone told of the income potential, bonuses, benefits, etc and well being self employed you have to create all those things yourself. However, on my breaks and days off from SWS I would be glued to my computer and books reading about fitness, nutrition, motivation, helping people achieve their goals, etc and I would be approached at gyms by people asking me to train them and how to do this or that. Sooooo I quit SWS with ZERO clients, literally I did not have a plan or an income and I remember approaching my boss and giving him the news and this is exactly what I said, "I have no idea how this is all going to work out. I am not quitting this job because I got a better offer somewhere else. I am quitting this job with no income from anywhere else, BUT I can not go one more day putting in this much time and effort pursuing something I don't love just for money when I know I was meant to do something else so I am just trusting that gut feeling I have and am going to run with it."

And here I am....two years later...and business is incredible and I have met so many amazing people and opportunities along the way that I would have never experienced had I tried to follow the path society tends to pave.

I love to write, I love to help people, I love fitness and nutrition, I love seeing people succeed in every area-financially, physically, and with relationships, I love business, and I am doing what I love and God has blessed me so much with it! The funny thing is every time I got frustrated and would seek out my business coach or mentors and ask them what do I do!?? They would just simply say, "Just keep doing what you're doing. It'll happen. Focus on helping people and your passions and listen to your own intuition and it'll all happen." AND IT HAS AND IT IS HAPPENING! Over the past month, God has opened so many doors and I have been blown away by the opportunities that have been presented to me just because I quit worrying about money, quit listening to everyone else and just kept at being myself and doing what I love.
We all have UNIQUE passions, talents and gifts that nobody else can do like we do. You may be an incredible cook, mom, teacher, husband, landscaper, nurse, doctor, speaker, and you  may touch people in a way that other people can't. Focus on what it is that you love and how it helps people and there is no way that it won't be successful because you are making people's lives better JUST BY BEING YOU!

I had a meeting with the incredible Dan Long the other night, which if you do not know who he is- he created an amazing Suspension training program (You can check him out at Here) along with being the owner of Power House gym here in Tampa and he is the most sincere and caring person who has a desire to help people! His training is intense and serious, but his passion in his workouts is a direct reflection of his passion for life and helping others! He made a great statement that said,  "God has given me a gift and if I don't use that gift to help other people in life then I am letting God's gift go to waste."

What is your gift? And WHY ARE YOU NOT DOING IT? OR If you are, stop being scared and just BE YOURSELF FEARLESSLY!

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