Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Getting the Body And Life You want Takes more then just Wanting It.

I always am posting about workouts, nutrition, and having confidence in yourself that you can live your passions and dreams and look however you want, but one thing I guess I have not talked about is that it is not just about wanting it. 

I was reading one of my inspirational books this morning and the author, Jen Sincero, talks about how we all seem to have these goals and these things in life we really desire and we will get so frustrated about how it's not in our life and we don't understand and maybe we just got dealt a bad hand or that's "just our luck"....BUT it's about so much more then just wanting something. 

I want to travel the world, but saying I wan to travel and then never even purchasing a plane ticket is a pretty sure way to be disappointed and frustrated and join the misery of "why is life so hard for me right now? Why does God not want me to travel the world with this is my passion!?" OR there's the better one that I hear soooo often "I just want to find my soul mate, the one for me...I don't get it, why do none of the guys/girls I am interested in want to date me and the only ones I do seem to get are the ones I don't want. I am just going to keep holding out for that one person and not date anyone until I find him/her." Which basically is saying I want to date the love of my life, but I'm not going to date until I find that person? How do you know what you want then if you've never dated anyone? How do you get more dates if you don't actually go on dates? 

THEN there's the fitness side of it: "I wish I looked like that girl/guy I saw at the gym all the time. They just look so fit and lean and I can never get my body to look like that...I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and accept the fact that it's never going to happen." WELL, you have a better possibility of it happening if you actually go talk to that person and ask them what they are doing to look that way, then start doing something different with your own routine AND stop talking as if it'll never happen. 

Most IMPORTANT thing I have learned in my own business, in my training, and from other successful mentors is this: THE UNIVERSE REWARDS ACTION. 

How many people do you know who 3 years ago were talking about starting that business, talking about that dream vacation, talking about moving to that new awesome city, talking about ending that toxic friendship/relationship, and then.....here you are today and NOTHING has changed and they are still talking about doing it?! We all have dreams and goals we want to happen, the difference is actually doing something to get to them. I am not saying you have to stress and have sleepless nights trying to pursue things. Simply doing one thing each day that takes you closer to that goal. If your goal is to find the love of your life, then make an effort each day to just talk to one new person each day even if it's just saying Hi at Starbucks or the gas station who cares just to be open to new people. If it's to have $100,000 in the bank be the end of the year then start by just looking at things you can do on the side that you enjoy to bring in a little extra money or talk to your boss about a raise. If you want to change your body composition and lose weight, then take that step by talking to a trainer or friend who can tell you how, or buy a book about it or stop eating fast food for one day...just anything!!!

You can have the burning desire and dreams, but without ACTION you end up just like everyone else. You have to be about what you so deeply want don't just talk about. Be about it, act like you have it, take action towards it, believe in yourself, and STOP TALKING ABOUT HOW IT'S NOT POSSIBLE. You live your life in the way you talk about your life....think about that. Whatever you say your life is...is exactly how you are living it. 

Take Action....so you can be closer to the life and body you want. You can't get to the finish line by just wanting to win the race...you have to at least be willing to step up to Start.

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