Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Killer Back Workout!! With Pull Up Video!

I have gotten more questions and emails about workouts to get that awesome "V" shape from guys then emails from the ladies asking how to get rid of that back "bra fat" so I created a workout that will literally hit every single muscle in your back and leave you feeling nice and sore for the guys and gals!

Perform this workout like a circuit so perform each exercise back to back with no rest until you have completed all 5 rounds of the circuit! That's right all 5! 

Pull-Ups 15x
Bent Over Barbell Rows 15x
One Arm Dumbbell Rows 20x (Each side)
Kettle Bell Swings (For Lower Back) 20x
DeadLifts 10x (HEAVY!)

Choose a weight for each exercise that has you pretty much barely pushing out those last two reps...the KB swings you should be dying around 15 reps so don't grab a 20lb KB or DB if you aren't breathing hard at 15 reps. Don't sell yourself short. Same thing with the rows and deadlifts!

For pull-ups! I am aware that not everyone can perform a pull-up so perform one of THESE MODIFIED PULL-UPS based on your fitness level and get moving!!!

Again NO RESTING until you perform this circuit 5x through and your back and biceps are burning! If you aren't burning and breathing heavy through this then you ain't doing it right! :)

P.s. I will be uploading all of the demo exercises, recipes, Q & A, and coming soon my programs on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL so when you pick your pull up modification be sure to subscribe while you're at it too! :)

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