Monday, July 29, 2013

Nobody Gives A Crap

You know that feeling you get when you are about to take that first step and you wonder what will happen if you fail, fall of the path, screw up, look like an idiot, make the wrong choice, start back at square one? Well guess what...nobody really gives a crap so just do it already! 

It's true! Think about how much you hesitate on just the first step of starting, but never do because you are so stinkin scared of what your mom, dad, dog, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, boss, spouse, hair stylist, random stranger in the car next to you will think. Don't even pretend like you don't refrain from jamming out to your favorite song when you pull up to a stop light because you don't want the person in the car next to you thinking you're an idiot. We all do it, I get it. I tone it down a notch when my favorite song comes on my ipod at the gym and I really just want to blare out with my awesome glee impression every word to the song with awesome dance moves might I add! Why? Because I don't want random stares and to be the next story of "omg did you see that one girl in here earlier..." When ultimately we are all too concerned and caught up in ourselves to really care what anyone else is doing with their life.

How many times have you done this with something bigger? I'll be honest I kind of got a gut feeling (you know that thing that happens when you're meant to do something) that it was time for me to switch gyms recently and honestly I ignored it for a while because I enjoyed knowing my way around my current gym and knowing the people plus I looked like someone who knew what they were doing at this gym. However, I was starting to plateau with my motivation, with my results, my workouts were getting stale and I was just going through the motion. I knew it was time to step it up and change my environment to get around people who pushed me to be better and to grow BUT I delayed this decision because I do not like to feel out of my element or out of my comfort zone. 

So last week I made a visit to good ole' Powerhouse Downtown and walking through that gym the first time I was more than intimidated and was ready to get back in my car and go back to my regular gym where I felt like "the big fish". But I forced myself to walk around try it out and just feel the intimidation and soak it all in...I was intimidated because these people were serious, they were all about health and fitness, this was their life, these were serious business owners, big name doctors, celebrities, etc and awesome people to network with which is why I started to get that gut feeling that it was time to change my environment. Sooooo I sucked it up and joined as soon as the tour was done...I didn't think about it I just said screw it and sucked it up and did it. I have never felt more uncomfortable and out of place BUT I have learned that it usually means I'm growing! If you are comfortable and things are routine and you are forced out of your element here and there then it means you probably have stopped accepting growth opportunities and YOU NEED TO START MAKING SOME CHANGES unless you just want to stay where you are then continue with what you are doing. 

I have big dreams, big goals, high ambitions and passions as I'm sure you do too and well I also know that in order to be the best and meet the right people I have to put myself in the environment to do so. For me, that meant going to a gym that I have NEVER been to where I know NO ONE and just force myself to meet people, talk to people, find my way around, make it my new second home, ask questions, see what new workouts and opportunities are out there and I am doing it every single day and guess what...I'm only a week into it and it's now I love my new gym! I'm not 100% comfortable with it and I still don't know where anything is at or who anyone is, BUT I'm glad i made the change and JUST TOOK THAT FIRST STEP! 

Sometimes that's all it takes is just getting the courage or getting the balls to just GO FOR IT! Feel the intimidation, the fear, be scared, be uncomfortable but just do it!!! I promise once you take that first step it gets soooo much better, BUT no one can make the decision to go for it other than YOU! There is unlimited sources of help of people who want to help you with your goals, help you with your fitness, help you meet your soul mate and grow your business, etc but there is absolutely no one else in the world who can take that very first step OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE and INTO THE NEW YOU....other than the amazing fabulous capable YOU! SO GO DO IT NOW! If you want help starting that-that's what people like me are for or other trainers and business coaches in your area...there's no point in delaying the life you want out of simply not asking how to get it!

The key to sticking with any program is having a strong support system whether it be friends, family, a coach, a trainer, it doesn't matter just have people who will hold you accountable every week, every day or however much you need to keep you on the path to the life you want! :) Happy  Monday!

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