Thursday, August 29, 2013

Your weight issue is in your head!

200366808-001I did my daily inspirational/motivational reading this morning from an author named Mike Dooley and I loved what he wrote in a few paragraphs that I couldn’t help, but share this with you guys because it is everything I try to promote in health and fitness! I tend to dabble in different areas between nutrition, workouts, business and life and try to encourage balance and doing what is best for YOU in everything and loving yourself unconditionally through whatever journey you are on because you will hit challenges and some major and minor bumps along the way. I hear on a daily basis all kinds of wants and desires from clients and friends of everything they would change with their body, their significant other, their finances, their friends, and their life essentially.  Do any of these ring a bell with you?
  • I have tried every diet out there, just looking at a pizza makes me gain 5lbs!
  • Well my parents are big and since I was a kid I have been over weight it’s just in my genetics and no matter what I try it doesn’t work
  • My body just hates me when I try to start a new health program and I end up getting sick and I’m cranky all the time
  • I have a slow metabolism so it’s hard for me to lose weight
  • I don’t eat much throughout the day because I am just not hungry so I skip breakfast and just eat more for lunch/dinner
  • I don’t have time to workout
  • I don’t know what I’m doing so I just don’t go to the gym or try a new workout program
  • My husband/wife keeps such bad food in the house so how am I supposed to lose weight when they won’t listen and get rid of all the ice cream, pop tarts, cake, and cookies!?
  • I’m sorry, but I just am not giving up alcohol. I NEED my wine and happy hour on weekends you have no idea what my week is like so if that’s what it takes to lose weight then forget it!
  • I am just big boned-I can’t help it so I’ll always be big! 

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