I recently switched up m y lifting routine and am now going with heavier weights, lower reps with more sets. I usually superset a lot of my lifting and stick with a high rep range, but for the next few weeks I’ll be following this format with most of my lifting days. All of the exercises in this video were performed in a 5×5 format meaning I chose a weight that I could perform 5 reps of for 5 sets with 1:00 rest in between sets. When choosing your weight, as always the last 2 reps should be a struggle for you to push out to make sure you are challenging your muscles. The ONLY exercise I did not do the 5×5 format is with the Push Press at the end. I did 6 sets of 3 reps with about 45 seconds rest in between (rest time will vary with each person, you want to rest long enough that you can perform the next set with proper form while still challenging yourself). I demonstrated each exercise and my workout in this video so you guys can try it out on your own! *If you are lifting heavier then normal make sure you have a spot so you do not injure yourself!!
Here is the Workout Video and Description!
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