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I used to be the same way, I had ideas and things that I would "love to do if money didn't matter" and then I would get right back to that job I hated just for the money and put the dreams on the back burner.
Seriously think about it, if you're 30 years old and you had this grand idea of traveling the world writing reviews of hotels and restaurants for some big food and wine or hospitality magazine, but instead of doing that you decided to take that corporate job sitting in a cubicle all day hoping to save up enough money to one day take a week vacation....when you're 80 are you going to look back and say wow I'm so glad I didn't go after what i really wanted and just took that 9-5 job that bored the crap out of me?! I highly doubt it.
I received a great quote that other day in my inbox that said "If you don't start building your dream, then someone else will hire you to build theirs." How true is that!? I can either follow my passions and all my interests that make me light up and feel in my element and trust that God/life/love/etc will all help me along the way or I can stuff all those things away and live in fear of never having the money and just wither away in regret and a bunch of "oh I wish...".
I did this all the time! I think part of what the problem is when we all say we are trying to find our purpose or our calling is not that we don't know exactly what we should do and what we want to do...it's that we don't truly believe we will be able to make a living doing it. It's not that confusing or hard to figure it out if you just put yourself in a limitless mindset and I asked you, Ok-Joe, If you could do and be anything you want to be right now at this moment what would you be doing? I'm confident you could come up with a few great ideas! Sooooo the next questions is why aren't you doing it? Because you're scared you won't get clients? You might not get that big break? You won't meet the right people to get you there? You won't be able to pay your bills? Well yes, if you keep thinking that way and live in fear then that's pretty much what's going to happen.
If you just trust yourself and trust that life is supposed to be an amazing adventure doing things you love, falling in love, being around people you love, then all of those clients, the money (lots of it), the right people will all come into your life exactly when they're supposed to. So quit making excuses, quit being scared, and start living YOUR dream!!!
I was challenged not too long ago to start living mine and every day I have been doing it...I sometimes can't hep but be happy because I wake up making a living helping people do what I love!
I would love to hear what your dreams are and would love to hear your story!! It inspires me to hear about other people pursuing their dreams and passions!
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Dream Big! :)
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