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Muscle Growth or Baby Growing doesn't matter...growth is all the same! |
Two days ago I had a video conference with my coach and a few other people to do a review of the product, the sales copy, and my progress and needless to say I was nervous because this was my first time, but I was fairly confident that I had done things right. I won't go into detail of the entire conversation, but the video conference basically ended with me crying, dropping a few curse words, angry, frustrated, and yep....starting the project all over because I did not do it right. According to my coach, I have 9 months worth of work before getting it up and running. 9 months!?? What happened to 7 days!?
I went to school for Business then I went through all my personal training certifications. I have been running a business for the past 4-5 years and help other people learn how to become self employed as a trainer and I pretty much just felt like the Freshman in college who turned in their first term paper in AP format when it was supposed to be something completely different. I am in a whole new world of business right now and I ask questions pretty much every day to my business coach to others in the group and they are all probably getting annoyed with the 500 questions I have to ask. I contact my web guy pretty much every day and stalk them down on e-mail wanting to make sure everything is right. I contact people I don't even know who I google who have been proven successful in this same thing I am doing. I read book after book from others who have gone down this path and been incredibly successful. I don't care what it takes this is going to work and I am going to make it happen. Maybe it's through the years of sports or whatever that I have this drive engrained in my head or maybe it's through training I don't know. Not only that, what kind of hypocrite would I be if I sat here talking to everyone else about pursuing their dreams and trusting life to guide you to all the right answers and then I decide to just quit and stop pursuing mine out of discomfort!
However, regardless of how much drive, motivation, passion, enthusiasm you have for a goal or something you truly desire in life...sometimes the periods of growth you have to go through in order to get there really SUCK! I had to take the entire day off yesterday just because I needed to give my mind and emotions a break from the project and from accepting the fact that I just screwed up 7 days worth of work to start all over.
Honestly though, when have you ever gone through a period of growth and been excited and happy through it all? When you started your new training and eating regimen, how did your muscles feel after that first day of lifting to failure? How did your stomach feel eating no sugar and no processed foods? How did you feel the first day you stepped food in college to embark on a new academic level? What about the first year through marriage when you sometimes would rather strangle your spouse then cuddle up? The new job, the new city, the new friends....it's all uncomfortable right?!
Of course it is because you have never been there before, you have never seen this life before all you know is what's been familiar to you up to this point. I have no idea what I'm doing 90% of the time and I usually have a few emotional breakdowns or a few very intense workouts to help get over the humps, but at the same time I know I have 2 choices I can either push through the discomfort and see what amazing opportunities this new life has for me with no idea of what it looks like OR I can go back to my comfort zone where I already know exactly what life looks like and not want anything more for myself.
A few years ago, I was going through a different period of growth and someone gave me a card and all they wrote in it was "Remember, every seed has to push through a whole lot of dirt before it gets to be that beautiful flower".....it sounds very cheezy but yet such a true analogy. Guess what, once you get through this growth spurt you are probably going to go through another one and another one if you want to continue to grow. And each time you grow, you get to learn something new and you get to be uncomfortable all over again!
I read a recent statistic that said "Only 5% of people who sign up for something, like a course or a seminar actually do anything with it" -Sincero. 5%! Can you imagine if all of the incredible people you admire who inspire you didn't do anything with their life?! What if your favorite artist who took those voice lessons never decided to pursue a career in music....you would never have them to get you through those good and bad days where sometimes you just need their music? Think about if all those people just sat back in fear and never pursued their dreams out of not wanting to be uncomfortable....how different would your life be because of that?
NOW...think about how different other people's lives might be if you don't pursue yours out of fear? See life isn't all about us...it's about using our unique talents, gifts and passions to serve the world and help others. Ever thought of it that way, by you not pursuing what you love you are withholding the most amazing version of you from the world?
"The muscle of kick-assery is like any other muscle-you have to use it or lose it!" -Sincero
So you better get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you want the life you desire!
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