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We all want to look our absolute best like we all just walked off of Women's/Men's Health magazine and let our 6 packs glisten as we step out of the water this summer as we enjoy the beach. Right? Ok, if not that we all can't help but admire people we see all over bodybuilding.com or our friends on FaceBook who ALWAYS look perfect! You end up asking every question and following all these different eating regimens of low carbs, no carbs, high carbs, high protein-low fat, high protein-high fat, gluten free, paleo, atkins, south beach, the zone, carb cycling, vegan, vegetarian, juicing, all liquids, etc etc etc! Then your body ends up freaking out wondering what the heck you are doing to it when one week it gets all these great nutritious foods and the next week it is starving just picking up whatever scraps you give it! Even as I am preparing for a photo shoot this next weekend, I have been researching all kinds of stuff like water cycles and carb cycles, but I don't necessarily follow every part of them. I listen to the suggestions and then use what I know my body needs. I don't believe in fat burners, steroids, supplements promising you to drop 10lbs in a week (that's not healthy), or anything else that forces you to put harmful substances in your body. SO I'M NOT USING THEM. I may not look like Nicole Wilkins, Ava Cowan, or Felicia Romero when I get done with my shoot...however, I will look like me and I am okay with not being 6% body fat!
SO, the Most Important Thing For You To Know in your eating, your workouts, and any other pursuits in your life is that what worked for one person MAY NOT BE RIGHT FOR YOU and IT IS OK! Just because your best friend was able to drink protein shakes all day long and eat 1,000 calories while feeling spectacular through it doesn't mean your body is going to be very nice to you if you try to do the same thing! I get so many questions of people asking me what I eat, how many times a week do I workout, how much I lift and how many sets of each exercise, how much cardio do I do and of course I tell everyone who I ask because I want to help you succeed any way I can...at the same exact time I ALSO PUSH to listen to your own body. Try out different foods and listen to your body to see which foods give you more energy than others. Try out different workout plans and find one you actually GET EXCITED about doing. Yes, YOU SHOULD ENJOY WORKING OUT! If you ever feel like you are dreading working out and it no longer invigorates you then switch up your routine until you find something that leaves you walking away feeling like you just accomplished your goal. For some people 3 meals a day works awesome for them and they never experience a slump or do they get cravings throughout the day. For me, this does not work at all! My body needs 5-6 meals a day to stay energized and ready to get through the workouts.
Here are a few signs that maybe the workout or eating plan you are following isn't right for you:
1. You are always tired
2. You constantly feel deprived and starved throughout the day
3. Most of the time you do not have enough energy to make it through a workout without lots of caffeine
4. You find it hard to sleep at night (you are probably over training)
5. Your body is always sore (you are not giving yourself the proper rest you need)
6. You are not looking forward to your next meal because you hate everything you have to eat
7. When you are with family and friends at a meal you are not enjoying your time because you have restricted yourself from certain things
8. You are weighing yourself every single day
9. You are spending 3 or 4 hours in the gym! (This is not healthy!)
10. You are constantly getting colds and other illnesses from being physically and mentally exhausted.
If you experience any or all of these things it is time to change your routine! Remember, this is a new lifestyle you are creating this isn't a 4 week program to drop weight temporarily then to put it all back on. You want to stay fit and healthy right? Then you have to learn what works BEST FOR YOU! Life is about Balance between everything. There needs to be a balance between personal/family life, work, and health. Any time you give majority of attention to one area and neglect the other you are going to feel frustrated and lost. So STOP following everyone else's program and find YOURS. What can you do week after week day after day that doesn't feel like you are counting down the days to freedom? What workouts do you actually enjoy? What eating plan do you enjoy that you can follow while still enjoying foods you love and not feeling deprived? Ask yourself these questions and then lay it out!
Life is meant to be enjoyed. Our bodies are meant to be enjoyed and taken care of not deprived and worked to death! It's ok you are allowed carbs and chocolate and all those wonderful things. Just find your balance!
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