to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly
and without fear for newer and richer experience." -Eleanor Roosevelt
We sometimes confuse our purpose in life as getting to the top of our career, being the perfect parent or perfect spouse, following the "right" path, or gaining ultimate success. The whole purpose of life is just to experience it and live it to its fullest with the good times and the bad for in both times we find ourselves and are given the opportunity to grow.
Do you ever notice the people who you enjoy being around the most probably aren't the people with the most money, the perfect family, the "I just walked off a Fitness Magazine" physique, or the ones who follow strict rules for life? If you're like me it's usually the ones who enjoy food, enjoy life, are happy with the simple things of being around good family and friends, who pursue their dreams and goals without abandon, and inspire you to let your inner kid out! :)
We are taught our whole lives that God is love and to love one another...however, not very often are we taught to love ourselves. As the saying goes, you can't give away what you don't have so if you do not have unconditional love for yourself how do you expect to love anyone else?
Anita Moorjani has one of my favorite books and in it she says "Being love means being aware of the importance of nurturing my own soul, taking care of my own needs, and not putting myself last all the time. This allows me to be true to myself at all times and to treat myself with total respect and kindness. It also lets me view what may be interpreted as imperfections and mistakes with no judgment, seeing only opportunities to experience and to learn with unconditional love".
When we our less judgmental and hard on ourselves, we are less judgment and more accepting of others. When you are experiencing conflict and frustration in your life, the first place to look is to the relationship you have with yourself and how much time you allow yourself to have with God.
If you are a mom or dad, it would be as if you were constantly around your kids with ZERO time to just take a shower or go to the bathroom without having them need you or want something from end up being irritable at everyone and everything because you haven't had time to take care of yourself and just think.

Take time to yourself today and live life the way you were meant to live! Happy Memorial Day!
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